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volunteers make it happen

Kingwood Women’s Club welcomes women of all ages and backgrounds living in any area of our community. Membership requirements include annual dues of $50.00, fulfilling a minimum of 50 volunteer service hours per year, and attendance at two meeting…as well as a giving heart and an optimistic attitude!

We enroll new members once a year, but you may make inquiries at any time. The New Member information meeting is in January and the Orientation Meeting is in February. New members are encouraged to volunteer at as many projects as possible to get an idea of the many ways they can contribute from February through May.  New members join effective June 1 since The Kingwood Women’s Club year runs from June 1 – May 31. The heart of the club revolves around giving our time and talent to our neighbors in need. We offer our members a wide variety of volunteer options. 

Membership Chair is Renee Ahmed at Please contact Renee for more information.


We  welcomed 
23 new 
members for 2024!

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We aren’t all work and no play! Camaraderie among our members is encouraged through a wide range of social activities. Our Social Committee plans monthly events for club members to become better acquainted. Recent outings have included antique shopping, museum visits, jazz concerts, and wine tastings. Some events include spouses and guests. In addition, each year the club plans a “ladies only” weekend affectionately called “pilgrimage” to places such as New Orleans, Galveston, San Antonio, and New Braunfels. We find that this time together gives us a chance to slow down and just enjoy one another.

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